The Promotion and Preservation of Chinese Language Heritage: Experience from Homeschooling, Facebook, to Chinese Debate International

推廣中文的承 傳:從臉書到國際網絡辯論課的里程

講者: Dr. Oliver Tu 杜立崑醫師
時間: February 27 (Saturday) at 10:00 AM (Eastern Time, US and Canada)

The preservation of a minority language heritage in an anglophone society is full of difficulties, particularly for a language, such as Chinese, which is three to four times as difficult to learn for English speakers compared to other Germanic or Romance languages. Dr. Tu will share his family’s journey in homeschooling their two teenage daughters’ Chinese, the online promotion of similar effort to other families around the country, and the establishment of online Chinese debate classes to aid in such effort in the era of COVID-19. 學習中文的困難程度是學習德文等歐系語言的三、四倍以上。杜立崑醫師在臉書與部落格上向全美各地分享推廣他與孩子在家學習中文的經驗,最終創辦了「國際中文辯論課」網站,提供網路中文朗誦與辯論課程,在疫情中繼續推動中文學習。


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