The Secret History of Eyes: From Historical Figures to the Eye Diseases That You Must Know

講者: Wei-Li Chen, MD., Ph.D 陳偉勵 (陳映瞳)教授/醫師, National Taiwan University and National Taiwan University Hospital
時間: April 10 (Saturday) at 10:00 AM (Eastern Time, US and Canada)
地點: Webinar via Zoom, The webinar will be in Chinese and there will not be recordings of this event (研討會將全程中文進行且無錄影)

Dr. Wei-Li Chen is a winner of the Taipei Literature Award and the Taiwan Literature Award. A prolific writer, Dr. Chen applies her expertise and insightful analysis to write for Tianxia magazine and The Mandarin Daily Newspaper particularly on students’ learning experiences and child-rearing. In this webinar, Dr. Chen will bring her expertise and cultural interest together to generate our audience’s interest in medical history.








